Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Themed Tuesday-1

Day -3

Being part of events is fun, more so over when it tests your creative side. I gave you an insight on how this blog came into being earlier on, if you have missed it, read it here.

From what I see, it does look like fun for now, to be part of Marathon Blogging for there are theme based posts on Tuesdays and Fridays. For a person like me who is creatively challenged this is going to be sure fun with challenge.
Today is Tuesday and the first prompt for the event "She had always wanted a daughter but now..."

While I read the prompt wrong and assumed it to be "She had always wanted a girl but now.." and had almost built the content around it. Sigh! But I am glad I did give a look at the theme again just before I put it to words.The theme is quite interesting if I may say so, as its not usual for someone to come out with a theme like this.

I am giving in my thoughts on this theme "She had always wanted a daughter but now.." in the form of a story. It may not be gripping enough but I promise I'll do justice to the topic.

They were married for 10 years now. They knew each other quite well and stood by each other through the plenty of ups and downs. Their age looked ripe enough to bring in a new member into the family. Planning had been in place for some time now. They only needed a go ahead from their medical practitioner. A few attempts later, the double red line appeared. They were overjoyed. She had always wanted a daughter and she was looking forward to having a girl. Months passed by, her first scan was due. She was excited for she could see her to-be baby for the first time. He was excited too.  The scan went well with no major abnormalities in the report.

She was moving into her second trimester and, she wanted to know if her wish of having a daughter would be true or not. Sadly the practise has been termed illegal for long. Time and time the thought struck her. Her partner was not reciprocative enough . He would be happy having a healthy child be it boy or a girl. Family and extended family started off with the guessing game. The old wives tales were put to test and everything indicated she was carrying a boy but her mind was wavering around now. She was captivated in her own thoughts of pink or blue. She knew a whole new world of emotions and happiness lay ahead. The pressure mounted. With no one to open up, she felt the need to put her thoughts to words for herself and for the baby to be.

Img Source: babygaga.com

Note: The post is pure work of imagination and fiction. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Vidya :). Much appreciation from someone like me who cannot write fiction to save my life ;).
