Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The never series!

The idea of this post comes from Shailaja.

The concept is to list out a few things that you have never done to this day. One of these is in my to-do list. Can you guess which?

Here goes my list
  1. I have never tasted Beer. How does Beer help anyways? I prefer Vodka.
  2. I have never had a pet. Nah I am not allergic just that I love them at a distance and do shower love and care.
  3. I have never visited Kodaikanal.
  4. I have never worn a tight fit dress. I feel suffocated just by the looks of it.
  5. I have never tried making pasta at home. 
  6. I have never self stitched a whole piece of dress for me or my daughter.
  7. I have never owned an Apple product.
  8. I have never had the guts to swear at someone. What use is it anyway, Only to repent later?
  9. I have never tried painting the house.
  10. I have never thought of driving a two wheeler. Blame it on the 7 stitches I have on my head after an accident being a pillion driver.
So what do you think would be the one in the to-do list?


  1. Thank you for the mention! Love the list.

    Hm, if I had to guess, I would say, it's the pasta on the to-do list, knowing the other talents you possess :)

    1. It would be painting the house Shailaja :)

  2. Painting your house on your own, would be the one I would want done on your list. And personally, have the guts to sit behind the wheel and do a long distance drive would be on mine own such list

    1. Long distance drive was the reason I took up a refresher course and it just stayed that way. ;)
